Watching Harry Potter 7
Posted by Maddy Pertiwi
6:27 PM
Sunday 21/11 was the day I've been waiting for 2 months. That particular day was the day Indo Harry Potter held "nonton bareng" for Harry Potter 7 in Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia!!! Yes I've been waiting this movie like... AGES!!! I was anxious to see how David Yates depicted the first part of Deathly Hallows. It was worth to watch!!! But I'm not gonna tell you about the movie itself. It's another story. But the event itself.I've been member of Indo Harry Potter mailing list for almost 3 years. I tried to participate in every events they held, including this viewing. I was excited to meet my fellow members there. I woke up at 6 in my rental room, do some chores like washing clothes, took a breakfast and at 9.30 AM I went to GI. Since it's Sunday and the traffic not that bad, it took me 15 minutes to arrive there,,, at East Mall!!! I misread the sign and my taxi drop me in East Mall lobby instead. But no matter. I have my iPOD and took a walk to West Mall. At 10 AM, I arrived at Blitz and found my friend Nanie because she got my tickets. Actually my brother Yudha should join me. But he injured himself last week so he couldn't join me. I asked one of my friends instead to accompany me that day. Everywhere I saw, people with goodie bags, Harry Potter's theme shirt, and also people from media. It's crowded!!! While the committee held a game, I was wondering around Blitz with friend. I took a pictures with Harry Potter's posters. Quite hilarious pose I made hehehe.At 11 AM, we got into the studio. My row is B1 and B2. Quite on the top of the Auditorium 1, but that's okay. About 15 minutes later, the committee held another quiz. Every time audience want to answer, they have to shout "Expelliarmus!" as password. First couple of questions, I didn't participate. But when it comes to Snape question, I must answered it! So before the question finished, I already shout the password. The question was what speel Snape created when he was still in Hogwarts. As Snape fan, I shouted with all my heart and got chosen hehehe. The answer is "Sectumsempra" and I got movie poster hehehe. Then, I don't care what other question because it's not about Snape anymore hehehe.At 12 PM, the movie started. Audience clapped their hands and enjoy the movie. For me, this movie really made my day. Severus Snape, at the beginning of the movie, close-up scene!!! Gosh, I thought I'm gonna faint when he appeared HAHAHA. Well I love Snape and Alan Rickman so let me a little bit hysterical okay. The whole movie was so exciting. This movie totally epic!!! Made me can't wait for the last part.The movie finished around 2PM (I don't know exactly) and I hung around with my friends in committee. We laugh and talked about the movie itself, not to mention took some pictures with them hehehe. After all properties wrapped and put in the car, we went to restaurant. Funny, during the movie we didn't feel any hunger. Maybe because our adrenaline made us didn't feel it hehehe. I realized I ate so much after the event. I must be hungry all the time hehehe. During the late lunch, the committee held an evaluation meeting. Well, I'm an outsider but I listened to the meeting also. By the end of meeting, they asked me to be a committee. Of course I said YES!!! I told them now I lived in room in Pancoran, so yes I definitely want to be a committee in the next event. Hey, it's the final part of Harry Potter!!! Of course I want to be part of it too!!! So, can't wait for 2011, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2!!!