When First I Saw Him
I just realized, March 18th is exactly one month I saw Mr. Frog (sorry guys I only use nickname hehehe) in my old office. He walked through my office door, greeted by security and then,,, I think I held my breath that moment. My reaction that moment was, "Damn! He's a good looking guy!". Then I lowered myself so he can't see my expression, with monitor blocked my face. Okay, sounds like a teenager myself HAHAHA.
He came to my office for a few hours, and he sat in the lounge, which is very close with my place as a receptionist. During that time, I didn't have a guts to looked at him. Even a peek. So I made myself busy with the computer. well, you know, Facebooking, Twittering, and every other thing hehehe. But after awhile, I sensed that someone is watching me. I really have a good feeling about this and kinda scary hehehe. So I knew that someone is watching me. I looked around me, and... our eyes met!!! I blushed instantly and back to monitor again. But then that feeling come again few times and I always caught him looking at me. Okay, what will go next.
Finally, when he finished his business in my office, he came to my place and gave me his cell number!!! I was shocked and can't say anything except "Thank you". He didn't ask my number, just left. I looked at his number and decided to sent him an SMS from my cell, immediately.
Since that day, we always contact each other and... well it's another story to tell hehehe.
I contacted Mr. Frog yesterday and asked, "Do you remember the first day we met?" He said, "Yes, I do. It's exactly one month ago!" Then we laughed of how awkward that moment between us. It's memorable, indeed. At least for me :))
Posted via email from Maddy Pertiwi