Posted by Maddy Pertiwi
9:20 AM
Sampoerna School of Business New Intake 2011/2012
Posted by Maddy Pertiwi
4:46 PM
Resolution??? More Like My Dream (Reflecting My Life)
Posted by Maddy Pertiwi
8:03 PM
It's totally late to write this down. It should be by the end of December 2010 or maybe the beginning of January 2011. But honestly, I didn't think of any resolutions for 2011. It was odd because at least I set 1 resolution. I don't know what happen to me hehehe. I read my journal last year, apparently my I achieved my resolutions,,, Let me review it...1. New Job Environment
On 1 March 2010, I officially started my work in Putera Sampoerna Foundation for SSB project. Now, I'm officially moved to SSB. Involved while still in project, I fell in love with SSB, the staffs and students. I often called 67 students of SSB as my sons and daughters hehehe. I have new family with SSB staffs. Family full of laughs and inspiration. This is my dream job, to involved in education. For this passion, I have to say thank you to British Council Indonesia who introduced me to this environment. I forever in debt with them. After feeling lost for a few years, in 2010 I landed in SSB. Alhamdulillah...2. New Relationship (specifically: BOYFRIEND)
I remember clearly the date, 27 June 2010. The day when I lost my love. You know him as Mr. Frog. For only 4 months, I have a relationship with him, started in 23 February 2010. Yes, I'm good with dates hehehe. Being single for almost,,, sorry I lost count hehehe. Yeah, being single for a long time made me put love as one of my resolution in 2010. Yes I found new love, and sadly I lost it in short period. It hurt me so much that time. I passed a week of angry, another week of crying, and finally accepted it as part of my life. I never regretted all my past relationships, including with Mr. Frog because it enriched my experience. One thing for sure, I cherished every moments I spent with Mr. Frog. Even the bad one. Alhamdulillah...3. Take Some Responsibility
In this case, paying bills for electricity and telephone for me and my grandparents. I'm glad I can pay my own bills and helping my grandparents with their bills. I'm very happy when I paid their bills, show them the receipt, and they will say thank you to me. It's the biggest gift for me. They also told me how they bragged to their friends and our neighbors that their granddaughter pay the household expenses. I also give some of my salary to my grandma to for everyday expenses. The feeling,,, I'm very proud to myself hehehe. Alhamdulillah...
For 2011, I didn't set a specific resolutions. But unconsciously, my mind already set it up for me and I already doing it from the beginning of January 2011. I thought about it last night, and this is what came up in my mind as 2011 resolutions for me:1. Be Healthy
To be honest, I don't have a good shape like any models or skinny women out there. I realized, I have to much eat junk food and unhealthy snack. Not to mention too lazy to exercise. in SSB, some of my colleagues are very sporty. Some of them play basket and futsal. Others swimming every week. Some staffs also went to the gym regularly. Last December, I bought a nice sport shoes. My office area, Mulia Business Park, the environment really support us to have a jogging. On the weekend, lots of people regularly jogging, playing soccer, and bike riding in here. The signs is there, so I decided to grabbed it. So starting last week, I regularly jogging 3 times a week with my friends. It's early stage and for me kinda painful too hehehe. But I decided to endure those pain and continue to do it regularly. That's from sport side.From food, I reduce unhealthy food. No more MSG's snacks and "gorengan". Not totally put it out of my menu. Usually, I can eat it almost everyday. Now I reduce it to once a week. I also change rice to potato and wheat bread. I still have carbs absorb to my body because carbs is really important. In February 2011 (after payday), I will stock oatmeal so I can have a bowl of oatmeal as my breakfast. Until then, I have gado2 as my breakfast hehehe. Wish me luck!!!2. Financially Independent
I realized I'm very consumptive. I couldn't manage my own money in 2010. Very wasteful,,, Some of them I spent it because of my impulsive decision, foods. I love eating delicious foods. Totally love it and I will spend it without further thinking. I want to change that in 2011. I will be 26 in July so I have to think about my future. Totally late, but I tried to catch it up. I've read some materials about financial planning and will apply this year. My friends help me a lot with this. At least I can save each month.One other thing, credit card. Okay, maybe you will find it contradictory but I thought about it. It's for emergency purpose. Back in 2008 in Depok, my brother called me in the middle of the night, said that his right side of the waist was in pain. Worried, I took him to RS Bunda Depok and diagnosed with appendix. I was shocked and realized I don't have cash money that moment. I said to the administration staff that I will find some ATM out there and took the money but please give my brother a room. In short, my brother's operation ran well. But that night really a nightmare for me. Totally a nightmare. I don't want that experience happen again. Ever. So hopefully this year I will have my credit card.3. Travel to Yogya, Surabaya and Bali.
Initially, I want to attend Super Junior's concert in Malaysia this 29 March 2011. Yeah my weird obsession, I know hehehe. But one phone call in December 2010 changed everything. I called my grandma in Surabaya. We haven't met for almost 15 years since my parents divorced. Oma Nel, cried literally how she missed me and my brother. She's 86 years old, diabetic and blind. She said she don't know how long she can live so she really wants to see me. Without thinking, I told her that I will visit her in the middle of 2011. I will come to her house in Jember. I really mean it. I want to meet her. I will start arrange my trip to Surabaya around March 2011. For trip to Yogya and Bali, well it's recreational purpose and I kinda miss Yogya environment hehehe.That's my resolutions. Wait, what about my love life??? Well, I didn't put it in because I believe it will come without any resolutions. I believe someone out there meant for me. I will meet him eventually. Until that time, I will keep looking and pray. The first sign, I grabbed wedding bouquet in Frida & Eki wedding reception hehehe. So wish me luck and please pray for me on this matter hehehe.Hope 2011 will give me a broader experience!!!
On 1 March 2010, I officially started my work in Putera Sampoerna Foundation for SSB project. Now, I'm officially moved to SSB. Involved while still in project, I fell in love with SSB, the staffs and students. I often called 67 students of SSB as my sons and daughters hehehe. I have new family with SSB staffs. Family full of laughs and inspiration. This is my dream job, to involved in education. For this passion, I have to say thank you to British Council Indonesia who introduced me to this environment. I forever in debt with them. After feeling lost for a few years, in 2010 I landed in SSB. Alhamdulillah...2. New Relationship (specifically: BOYFRIEND)
I remember clearly the date, 27 June 2010. The day when I lost my love. You know him as Mr. Frog. For only 4 months, I have a relationship with him, started in 23 February 2010. Yes, I'm good with dates hehehe. Being single for almost,,, sorry I lost count hehehe. Yeah, being single for a long time made me put love as one of my resolution in 2010. Yes I found new love, and sadly I lost it in short period. It hurt me so much that time. I passed a week of angry, another week of crying, and finally accepted it as part of my life. I never regretted all my past relationships, including with Mr. Frog because it enriched my experience. One thing for sure, I cherished every moments I spent with Mr. Frog. Even the bad one. Alhamdulillah...3. Take Some Responsibility
In this case, paying bills for electricity and telephone for me and my grandparents. I'm glad I can pay my own bills and helping my grandparents with their bills. I'm very happy when I paid their bills, show them the receipt, and they will say thank you to me. It's the biggest gift for me. They also told me how they bragged to their friends and our neighbors that their granddaughter pay the household expenses. I also give some of my salary to my grandma to for everyday expenses. The feeling,,, I'm very proud to myself hehehe. Alhamdulillah...
For 2011, I didn't set a specific resolutions. But unconsciously, my mind already set it up for me and I already doing it from the beginning of January 2011. I thought about it last night, and this is what came up in my mind as 2011 resolutions for me:1. Be Healthy
To be honest, I don't have a good shape like any models or skinny women out there. I realized, I have to much eat junk food and unhealthy snack. Not to mention too lazy to exercise. in SSB, some of my colleagues are very sporty. Some of them play basket and futsal. Others swimming every week. Some staffs also went to the gym regularly. Last December, I bought a nice sport shoes. My office area, Mulia Business Park, the environment really support us to have a jogging. On the weekend, lots of people regularly jogging, playing soccer, and bike riding in here. The signs is there, so I decided to grabbed it. So starting last week, I regularly jogging 3 times a week with my friends. It's early stage and for me kinda painful too hehehe. But I decided to endure those pain and continue to do it regularly. That's from sport side.From food, I reduce unhealthy food. No more MSG's snacks and "gorengan". Not totally put it out of my menu. Usually, I can eat it almost everyday. Now I reduce it to once a week. I also change rice to potato and wheat bread. I still have carbs absorb to my body because carbs is really important. In February 2011 (after payday), I will stock oatmeal so I can have a bowl of oatmeal as my breakfast. Until then, I have gado2 as my breakfast hehehe. Wish me luck!!!2. Financially Independent
I realized I'm very consumptive. I couldn't manage my own money in 2010. Very wasteful,,, Some of them I spent it because of my impulsive decision, foods. I love eating delicious foods. Totally love it and I will spend it without further thinking. I want to change that in 2011. I will be 26 in July so I have to think about my future. Totally late, but I tried to catch it up. I've read some materials about financial planning and will apply this year. My friends help me a lot with this. At least I can save each month.One other thing, credit card. Okay, maybe you will find it contradictory but I thought about it. It's for emergency purpose. Back in 2008 in Depok, my brother called me in the middle of the night, said that his right side of the waist was in pain. Worried, I took him to RS Bunda Depok and diagnosed with appendix. I was shocked and realized I don't have cash money that moment. I said to the administration staff that I will find some ATM out there and took the money but please give my brother a room. In short, my brother's operation ran well. But that night really a nightmare for me. Totally a nightmare. I don't want that experience happen again. Ever. So hopefully this year I will have my credit card.3. Travel to Yogya, Surabaya and Bali.
Initially, I want to attend Super Junior's concert in Malaysia this 29 March 2011. Yeah my weird obsession, I know hehehe. But one phone call in December 2010 changed everything. I called my grandma in Surabaya. We haven't met for almost 15 years since my parents divorced. Oma Nel, cried literally how she missed me and my brother. She's 86 years old, diabetic and blind. She said she don't know how long she can live so she really wants to see me. Without thinking, I told her that I will visit her in the middle of 2011. I will come to her house in Jember. I really mean it. I want to meet her. I will start arrange my trip to Surabaya around March 2011. For trip to Yogya and Bali, well it's recreational purpose and I kinda miss Yogya environment hehehe.That's my resolutions. Wait, what about my love life??? Well, I didn't put it in because I believe it will come without any resolutions. I believe someone out there meant for me. I will meet him eventually. Until that time, I will keep looking and pray. The first sign, I grabbed wedding bouquet in Frida & Eki wedding reception hehehe. So wish me luck and please pray for me on this matter hehehe.Hope 2011 will give me a broader experience!!!

What's Left of Frida & Eki Wedding Reception (9/1 at Balai Kartini)
Posted by Maddy Pertiwi
11:52 AM
Frida & Eki Wedding Reception (9/1 at Balai Kartini)
Posted by Maddy Pertiwi
10:24 AM
Is It A Good Sign??? Hopefully ^^
Posted by Maddy Pertiwi
7:21 AM
Yesterday (9/1) I attended wedding reception of Frida & Eki, my seniors in college. During the reception, the bride and groom would throw the hand bouquet. Well you know the 'legend', if single woman can grab the bouquet, she will be the next one who's getting married hehehe.
At first, I reluctant to participate because the majority participants is my seniors. But then I saw one of my friends go with the crowd. So I stepped into the 'battlefield'. You know, in this occasion, the process of grabbing the hand bouquet can turn into massacre and brutal hehehe. When Frida threw the bouquet, it came to my direction, hit the head of my senior, fell to the ground, I quickly grabbed it. YEAY!!! I'm the winner!!! So glad I got it, because I also got gift voucher IDR 500,000 from MAP!!! Thank you Frida & Eki!!! I just found 1 shirt in Zara that I like. Very expensive and this voucher will help me buy it hehehe. My friends congratulated me and said their wishes for me. I kept smiling all night. When I came back to my rental room, I couldn't help to think, "Is it a good sign for my love life in 2011???"Hopefully, it is a good sign ^^
First Entertainment in 2011
Posted by Maddy Pertiwi
3:06 PM
First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!!! Let's have some 'fun' this year hehehe.
Finally!!! Thanks to Mbak Ketty, I have my ticket to Musikal Laskar Pelangi!!! I've been dying to see this show since last December 2010 and I will watch it 7/1 at TIM hehehe. This will be my first entertainment show in 2011. Hopefully, I can attend another great shows throughout 2011.Can't wait for 7 January 2011!!!
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Without a story to share, what would life be,,,
Without a story to share, what would life be,,,
Me, Myself and I
- Maddy Pertiwi
- Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
- Just an ordinary girl with extraordinary family and friends
So Far,,,
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